Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Month 4 : I am growing!

Izani is now 4 months !
A lot have been happening in the few weeks that I did not post anything here (for whatever reason), but here’s an update on his progress, based on the growth guidelines given by www.babycenter.com:

Feeding less frequently - Coz his stomach is bigger, and he is now easily distracted.
Hm.. I’m not sure about the feeding less frequently bit.. but he is drinking more at a time. But it’s true that he gets very easily distracted nowadays. His eyes would dart here and there and sometimes he’d turn his head while I’m still in his mouth to look at things or someone. *ouch*

A new talent for rolling over
Oh yes yes!! He has managed to roll over from his back to his tummy! But he can’t roll back yet, though. The kids and I have been cheering him on for weeks now, but he always had assistance before. This time he did it on his own. I had put him on the bed, turned my back to make milk, and the next thing I knew, he was on his tummy!

look at him trying to sit up

Time for solid foods? - They advise to not rush into solids to cut down on allergic reactions.
Actually, I have been putting half a scoop of baby cereal into 120mls (roughly 4 ounces) of his milk.. tee hee. I found that he got irritable though (maybe his tummy doesn’t feel right) so these past few days I stopped doing that. I’m gonna try to introduce cereal into his milk again in a few weeks, then maybe when he’s 5 months I’ll try and feed him.

Reaching out and mouthing objects - Your baby is now able to reach out and grab an object. He’ll study it for a moment and then try to put it in his mouth. You may also notice a lot more dribbling now.
There is A LOT of dribbling!! I use to carry a small towel or his flannel blankie around to wipe up his vomit, nowadays it’s more to wipe up his drool. He likes to make bubbles with them as well (his drool, not the blankie). I think he’s starting to be teething coz he bites his knuckles a lot and thrusts his fingers into his mouth, dribbling all over. We bought him a teether and he’s been chomping on that, even though he really prefers his fingers (or mine).
When I’m feeding him the bottle, he is now able to grip the bottle and either pull or push it as he pleases. I can’t wait till he could hold the bottle on his own! Heh heh.

chomp chomp chomp

Able to play alone now - Your baby can play with his hands and feet for a few minutes at a time.
I have caught him awake and sitting alone quietly just twiddling his thumbs and playing with his blankie. But most of the time he’d let out a “heyyyy” that is a cross between a sigh and a whine. He’d continue doing this till someone comes and plays with him , or if no one does, it will escalate to an angry cry. He can now stay longer in the carseat without crying, too. But ‘longer’ is not too long, because up to a certain point, he will scream to be let out and held in someone’s arms.

He’s starting to outgrow the carseat!

Beginning to understand the role of language -your baby understands all the basic sounds that make up his native language, he develops the ability to make some vocal sounds, he's also able to participate in back-and-forth imitation games . Because you react when he makes noises and tries to say something, your baby learns the importance of language and starts to understand cause and effect. He'll begin to realize that what he says makes a difference.
As I mentioned before, he knows that the different sounds that he makes will get different reactions from people around him. He really knows how to show his anger now. He will scream as loud as he can, and he’d continue till he thinks he’s had enough.
I tried playing imitation games with him, making “ba ba ba ba” (for “Bonda”) sounds to him, but he hasn’t imitated me yet, all he does is laugh, coz he thinks it’s funny.

excuse the hanging strap

Appreciation for a full range of colours - between your baby's second and fourth months, colour differences become clearer, and your baby starts to distinguish similar shades.
Really? I do not know how I could test this skill..

this is not his bed, by the way..

Getting more selective about people - By four months, your baby may respond to your presence, your voice, and even your facial expressions by kicking and waving his arms.
I notice that he would follow me around with his eyes and head when he is with his ayah, but he is still pretty okay with other people holding and carrying him. We had a gathering last weekend, and he was being passed around the room like a hot potato, except he wasn’t treated like a hot potato coz everyone wanted to kiss him and pinch his cheeks. I thought maybe that he would cry, but he didn’t. Until we put him in his car seat to go home…

I really can't wait to see what new things he'll learn next!


Today is a double celebration, coz it’s also my 14th Wedding Anivessary :)
