Sunday, October 15, 2006

Month 6: Reach, Grab, Chew

Exploring with his hands
By the time he's about six months old (though sometimes it takes a little longer), your baby's hand control is developed enough that he can pull an object towards him.

Which seems to be the theme for the past month. He's done nothing but reach, grab and chew on stuff. You can't put him in your lap while you drink a glass of water, coz he will reach out and grab the glass from you (with his tongue sticking out in anticipation).
He has been chewing on my watch, my fingers, my new bracelet.. when I'm carrying him over my shoulder, he'd chew on my necklace, or my shoulder. I can't put anything within his reach, coz he'd grab it and would try to chew on it, even if it can't fit into his mouth (like the big talcum powder container). His gums are starting to be really hard and thick now, I have a suspicion that he might be teething.
He eats three spoons of baby cereal mixed with milk, 2 times a day now.

Left or right handed?
It's still too early to tell whether your baby is left- or right-handed.

But I think Izani is right handed. He seems to favor that side when grabbing. Furthermore, there are no lefties in my family nor Taufik’s

Learning to roll over
By this age, most babies have learned to roll over in each direction.

I can’t change him on his table anymore. I have to put him on the bed instead. I have started putting pillows around him when he sleeps, even when he’s on my King-sized bed, coz this boy can not only roll-over, he can move! He has started lifting his bottom when he is lying on his tummy. He cant pull himself forward yet but he could push himself backwards.
Oh, and he can also sit up on his own! yay!

Your little social animal
At this age babies not only tolerate attention from others, they often initiate it. Though you may soon notice the beginnings of stranger anxiety, six-month-olds are still fairly indiscriminate.

Ahh yess.. you should see him at fitar gatherings. He smiles at everyone who’s talking, even when they’re not really talking to him. Some makciks are luckier than others and might even illicit giggles from him.

Your baby the babbler
By six months your baby sees and hears the world almost as well as you do. Your baby can also recognise different tones and inflections and may cry now, if you speak to him harshly.

Yesterday I scolded him for scratching my face and tapped his hand in mock anger and he cried!! I laughed when he cried, coz I didnt expect him to feel hurt, and he laughed too.

Stimulating his senses
Your baby uses all of his senses to explore and learn about his world.

He really enjoys his pooh baby gym nowadays. He could stare at the patterns on the mat for minutes on end. I also try to make him smell things before I put it on him and tell him "mmmm... nice" or I pretend to smell his bum and say "eyeeewwwww!!!". He really gets a kick out of that.

Getting a kick out of story hour
Reading aloud to your child comes into its own now, as he will enjoy looking at bright pictures and having a quiet snuggle on your lap

Anis 'reads' to him whenever she has homework. (Anis brings home a picture book every few days, she looks at the pictures and makes up the stories). Izani would sit and look at the pictures, slapping the pages with his hands and occasionally trying to grab the edges and chew on them. That is usually my queue to exchange it to one of our own cardboard books.

Is my baby developing normally?
You know what, I'm not too stressed out about it. Last month I wrote that I was worried that he wasnt rolling over and the very afternoon he rolled over on his own. Now he's almost crawling. I actually have a video of him doing that but it took so long to upload to YouTube, i gave up.
I'm just gonna enjoy watching him grow up, coz it's seems like time is just zipping by..

