Friday, June 15, 2007

Month 14 : baby brother

Read what a normal 14month old's development should be at the babycentre's 14 month old page.

Izani is doing all the things mentioned there. He's waving bye-bye, he's standing alone, he's drinking out of a cup (though with an open one he'd dribble all over, he's now very adept with his non-spill sippy cup).

He is now very vocal about what he wants, screaming "Baa", for "abang" (big brother) and a lot of "mama"s when he's upset and crying. He screams really loud when you take away anything from him, but if you ask nicely sometimes he'll give it to you.
He gets his hands into everything, so I have decided to kid-proof the house, with locks and latches for all the drawers and cabiners, except for the one filled with tupperware. Just this morning he got his hands on the inking pad of my stamping kit and his hands, mouth and face was covered in blue splotches.

"My name is Ihsan and I have a baby brother he's [his] name is izani he likes to bite peapoules [people's] fingers if you put your fingers inside his mouth"

Do your kids have comfort items? A bear or blankie that they get attached to and can't live without?
Hm.. my kids don't seem to have those kinda attachments to things.. is that normal?

This month's illustrations are by Ihsan :)