Saturday, July 8, 2006

Week 12: bath time

When Izani wakes up in the morning, he looks all crummy like you would expect any person would look first thing in the morning.
His jammies would have splashes of yellowed milk (coz sometimes he'd puke bits of milk and I'm too lazy to change his jammies in the middle of the night). His eyes would have bits of crud at the edges. His complexion would be blotchy coz he rubs his face during his sleep. His hair would be sticking out all over.
But that doesn't stop his siblings from cuddling him and think he's a cute little baby.

bathe me!!

He gets pretty uncomfortable if I leave him un-bathed for too long (*cough*unlike some people i know*cough*), so usually by 10am the latest, he would be all bathed and dressed.

He doesn't cry anymore when I undress him for his bath, maybe because I made sure the a/c is switched off and it's not too cold. He usually grins when I take off his clothes, as if he knows what is coming.
As I have mentioned before, I bathe him in the sink because standing by the sink is easier than squatting by the bath tub. I usually start by turning on the tap with the sink plug open till I get the right temperature. Then I put Izani's feet under the tap and splash water on his body and neck. Supporting his back with one hand, I use my other hand to use a cup to catch some water and wet his hair. I need to make sure that water doesnt run down his face coz he doesnt like that. I think he feels like he can't breathe when there's water on his face. So usually I just use a wet soapy hand to clean his face.
I don't usually catch water in the sink and let him soak in it because I'm afraid if he pee-ed in it, then he'd be bathing in his own pee. Furthermore, I think I read somewhere that soaking too long in shampoo filled water could cause urinary tract infection, so I try to avoid it as much as I can.
Once I've soaped and rinsed his front, I'd turn him over and do the same for his back. Then I turn the tap off and wrap him in a towel to dry him off.
This all takes only about 5 to 7 minutes. I talk to him while I bathe him, but we seldom play and splash around. There's not much space for toys in the sink anyways.. perhaps when he is older and can sit up on his own I'll let him play about in the bath for a bit.
The moment he gets out of the sink and goes on the changing table, the diaper is put on as quickly as possible. This is to avoid any "unfortunate incidents". So far it has happened only twice. Once he pee-ed in such an angle that he ended up pee-ing on his face! Suffice to say I had to wash him, and all the stuff on the changing table. The second time I was watching for 'signs' ( his little dicky would be stiff) and managed to cover him with his diaper in time.
After he's got he's diaper on though, I take my time to dress him up.

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