Monday, March 19, 2007

Month 11 : mobility and insanity

There is a correlation between the increased mobility of a child and the increased insanity of the mother of the said child.

Growing physical independence
Your baby is no longer that helpless infant who couldn't do anything without you. His growing independence -- evident in his solo standing, stooping, and squatting -- is becoming apparent.
Izani has started standing up on his own, but he can't stand for too long. If he's not aware of it, he could stand for about a minute. But once he realizes he's standing up, he'd immediately squat on the floor.

Taufik trying to coax him to stand for the camera

He finally stands!

We would usually whoop and applaud when he stands, to let him know that it's quite an achievement and to encourage him to do it more often.

He has also started climbing up stairs on his own since the last two months (but I forgot to write about it). Before this, he'd stop at the first few steps and make noises and wait for someone to go up with him, but nowadays he doesn't care anymore, he'd go up whenever he pleases. When he does this silently it's quite scary coz one moment he'd be downstairs with me, the next thing I know, he's already upstairs! *shudders*

Half-way there!

Books for your little reader
Your child likes to look at books and leaf through the pages, though he won't always turn them one by one.
I bought him Goodnight Moon a few months a go and so far that has been his favourite book (to look at and to chew). But he's not opposed to grabbing and tearing up his older sibling's books, especially if he sees someone really engrossed in it.

Becoming his own person
At this age your baby may assert herself among her siblings and begin to engage in parallel play -- contentedly playing alongside (but not with) another child.
He likes playing together with his older siblings, but he also likes playing alone. He likes it when we lightly tap his mouth while he makes a sound to make that woo woo woo "indian call", but sometimes he'd grab your hand and try to bite your fingers. He'd play with toys with his siblings, but he's not learning to share yet. If you take his toy away, or if you do something that bother's him, there is hell to pay!

Playing around with his abangs and kakak early weekend mornings

He knows how to play peek-a-boo on his own now. While I dress him up after a bath, he'd grab the towel over his eyes (and shuts his eyes) and won't bring it down till I say "Cak!". It is such a joy to watch!

Time to start setting limits
Your baby now probably understands simple instructions and may purposely choose to ignore you when you say no. (To help the word carry a little more weight, reserve its use for things that are truly dangerous.) His desire to explore is stronger than his desire to listen to your warnings, so it's up to you to protect and teach him. What seems to be defiance isn't; it's just his natural curiosity to see how the world works.
Just like my sister tulisje, I'm also scared that Izani would think his name is "Izani Nor".
You'd think with 3 kids before him, I'd be more prepared for this. It still drives me crazy when he crawls away like a turtle on speed and I can't chase him fast enough before he dips his hands into the toilet bowl. Sometimes I don't know whether he wants to sit on my lap or be carried around or stand on his own or sit in his walker or sit down or what coz he's wriggling wriggling all the time.
My tactic for now is ignore his crying and try to distract him.

How can you be mad at this face?

Even with my dilligence, I still can't protect him from hurting himself.

Talking up a storm
Words and wordlike sounds are now spilling out of your baby -- words she's now able to use meaningfully.
This may be just mommy-ears talking, but I think he's constant repeating of "the the" is actually his version of calling me 'Bonda'. My other kids called me the same way when they were small.
Izani does alot of baba's and mamami's anyways, so i can't really tell when he's really trying to say something or when he's just plain babbling, but I know when he sees me and reaches out his arms and say "the the" , he means to call me :)
Sometimes he'd pick up something and starts having a conversation with me, showing the thing to me and pointing at where he picked it up, then giving me a silly grin, as if saying "Look here! I got this thing! I picked it up from down there! yay!" in his own gibberish. Of course I'd indulge him and tell him he's such a smart boy, even though what he'd picked up was just dried cereal from breakfast.

Drooly happy baby

Can't wait for next month!!
What do you think, party or no party?

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