Saturday, May 13, 2006

Week 4 : Chubby Cheeks

Wow, is it 4 weeks already?
Izani is growing fatter and heavier. His cheeks are now so puffy, he looks like a chipmunk sometimes. I can't carry him around with one hand like I used to in the first few weeks coz I find that my arms get tired easily.
We'll find out how much weight he has gained when we go to see the paed for his one month check-up and vaccination this Monday/Tuesday.

He's also getting abit wriggly nowadays. He is not all quiet and docile like he was a few weeks ago. When I put him over my shoulder, his head would be going this way and that (one time he almost smashed my nose!), and his legs would be kicking like he wants to go somewhere.
I don't swaddle him as much as I used to as well, so his arms are starting to flail here and there. When I'm breastfeeding him, he would be clutching at my bra. The other day I was giving him a bath and he was grabbing my t-shirt as if in panic, like I was going to drop him or something.
His neck is definitely stronger, so I have started putting him to sleep on his stomach. See, my babies tend to get colic, coz I tend to get a lot of gas as well (so even if I breastfeed, they still get colic), and from experience I found that sleeping them on their tummy helps. Somehow it makes it easier for them to fart... tee hee.

Before I get lectured about SIDS (go g00gle it), let me assure you that I make sure that the surface is firm, there are no pillows that could fall on him, there are no loose cloths lying around and I only do this when I am sure that the baby have sufficiently strong neck muscles and is smart enough to move his head when he can't get air. On top of that, I also go check on him often, or have him sleep nearby. Like, at the moment, Izani is sleeping on Ilham's bed which is right beside the computer.

All my previous 3 babies sleep this way, and I also find that this has resulted in perfectly round back-of-the-heads. (As opposed to a flat back-of-the-head).

I am also proud to annouce that Izani is breastfeeding 75% of the time now. He only takes the bottle about 3-4 times a day, and only during the day time. I am ashamed to report that I give him the bottle out of convenience, coz then I won't be occupied with him, someone else could feed him and I could go and take a shower or cook or eat or do laundry, etc. Oh, and I also bottle feed him when we're in the car or when we are out, coz I have not yet figured out how to breastfeed in my abaya. I think I need to buy new abaya, ones that are more baby-friendly (.. which means more shopping! yay! tee hee).

Yes, we have been out several times, despite the fact that I am supposed to be confined inside the house for at least 40 days..
Once for the doctors appointment. Last two weekends we went to the kids' favourite Mughal restaurant (where I tried Palak Paneer for the first time. Yummeh!). The next day we went for a drive coz my mom wanted to see what Al-Kh0bar is like (I didnt get out of the car). Last weekend we went to the fish market and the indian shop for grocery shopping (I went to choose fish and vegetables with my mom, baby stayed in the car with Taufik+kids).
Selagi mama tak marah, kira okay lah dak?
I think I'm going to shorten my confinement period to just 30 days.. heh heh. I need to go to R1yadh, I need to bring my mom shopping.. I need socializing!!
Anyways, I remember how one of my sisters went shopping at Jalan TAR during her confinement.. ans she seems to be okay.. nothing bad has befallen her so far.. ;) (insya-Allah.. kan?)

Well, come back to read more in 2 days time!

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