Sunday, May 21, 2006

Week 5 : First Road Trip

Izani went on his first road trip on Friday. We went on a four-hour drive to Riyadh, so that we can register him with the embassy and apply for his passport.

Let's Go!

I made sure I breastfed him before we left our house at 2:30pm, so that i could feed him using the bottle in the car. He slept for most of the journey, waking up only once to feed. He was such a good boy.

We arrived at Sunflora's place at 6pm in the evening. O boy, her daughter has more toys than all my 4 kids combined! And you could tell that they are new parents because they have all the baby gadgets imaginable (I think the fact that both of them are tech-freaks also helped). They have them electric steam sterilizers, while I only used a tupperware *malu*... heh heh.
They even have a baby scale! So we weighed izani, and he was 5kgs, which means he had gained 1.5kgs within 1 month. Not bad, huh?

Are you ready for Five kilos of Fun?

My kids just lurrrrved staying at Sunflora's house, because the house is so cozy and warm (just like the hearts of the owners *grin*) and they go to eat lotsa stuff like buttered toast before dinner, munch on almonds, eat filipino nangka flavoured candy.. Ihsan even got to eat ice-cream for lunch! At bedtime they got to sleep in sleeping bags, which made them feel like they were on a camping adventure.
But back to Izani...
Izani slept in a moses' basket (which Sunflora's daughter has outgrown) for the earlier part of the night, but ended up sleeping in bed with me for most part of the night coz he was breastfeeding and I was too lazy to put him back into the basket.
The next morning I got him ready quite early (I was glad to find out that I wasnt the only one who bathe my baby in the sink) coz we had an appointment with the embassy at 10am. Izani fell asleep just in time for me to have my breakfast and get ready to leave. He slept the whole time we were in the Dipl0matic Qu@rters in Riy@dh, even when we thought we were lost* and spent almost an hour driving around and waiting for the officer from the embassy to come and show us the way.
He slept the whole time we were at the embassy and only woke up when the officer had to take his thumbprint. His thumprint looked like just a tiny blob coz his thumbs are so tiny!
Izani only woke up when we had finished having lunch back at Sunflora's house and I had to change his diaper before we left for home. Just in time too, coz this allowed us to take pictures of the two mommies with their respective babies, and also a few with my mom included. (Sorry.. can't display them here without Sunflora's permission!)
On the way back, Izani was quite alert and I had to take him out of the carseat a few times to feed and burp him.
All in all it was a fun journey!

A few days before, we also bought Izani his first pacifier.
I was reluctant to buy it at first, but Taufik kept on suggesting that the baby seems to need one because he kept wanting to suck on something (which I would interpret as wanting milk) even when his tummy is all full and he's been burping and puking out milk a few times.
So we bought a pacifier for Izani (the cheapest one). I found that there are times when Izani really do just want to suck on something, and when he's genuinely hungry and wants milk, he would actually reject the pacifier. In the case when he just wants to suck, I would rather that he suck on a pacifier than his thumb, because you can always throw away the pacifier, but you can't throw away his thumb..
I surely hope it doesn't become a habit though.. So far, with my 3 other kids, Ilham used the pacifier till he was about 1 year old. Ihsan didnt want it at all. Anis used it till she was about 6 months. My kids don't seem to miss it when we threw their pacifier away. I hope it'll be the same with Izani.

Pacify me!!!

*We got directions on how to get to the embassy from the officer, but when we got to the last junction, there was a guard that didnt allow us to take that junction. We told them we were headed for the M@laysian Embassy, but he insisted that we drive on.
We thought we could drive around and go another way, so we drove around abit but couldnt find another way in. So we thought maybe we got the directions wrong or something and drove around some more to try to look for the embassy. (No, there were no signs!!!).
So we finally called the officer and told him our predicament and he said he'll come out and get us and he/we got confused between the 'Embassy of Nigeri@' and the 'Embassy of Nigeri@ Residence' (Yes, it's 2 different things, I don't know why they dont just call it the 'Residence for the Ambassador of Nigeri@' instead). We finally met him at one of the banks in there and we followed him back to the embassy, which was really in that junction that we weren't allowed to go in at first.
So we wasted about an hour just driving around thinking we were lost, or getting ourselves lost, whichever you wanna look at it, just because of one mangkuk pak guard.
And why weren't allowed to go into that junction in the first place? Because it leads to the Americ@n embassy...
mangkuk betul lah mat salleh ni.. tahu lah takut kena bom.. janganlah menyusahkan negara lain... !

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