Thursday, June 15, 2006

Month 2 : Awake and Aware

Today Izani reached is 2-month mark.
Let's compare his progress with what Babycentre says:

This month all your efforts will be rewarded with beaming, toothless baby smiles
So true!! He smiles more nowadays and even gives a little happy shriek when i poke his tummy. Bath times are the best coz after putting on his diapers (which I always do first and very quickly to avoid 'accidents'), I'd blow raspberries on his tummy, gum his chin and shoulders and lookup to see whether he's smiling or not. I am seldom dissapointed. His mouth would usually be gaping wide in a soundless laugh. But sometimes he would also regurgitate his milk coz I had pressed his full tummy..

By two months of age, a baby begins to move beyond his early preferences for two-colour objects toward more detailed and complicated designs, colours, and shapes
Urm.. I wouldnt know.. I havent been dangling objects in front of him yet. But I see that he is looking at his siblings and surroundings more. And he also looks at them longer than he did before. Before he would just give things a passing glance, nowadays he would stare a bit longer.

He should be sleeping for longer stretches and staying awake for longer periods of time.
Oh yes. It's sorta like a nuisance (coz when he's awake, he demands attention, and it means I can't do anything else) but also a blessing (coz once he sleeps, he sleeps.. and I can go do other stuff for a longer period of time). His older siblings loves it when he's awake, coz they'd be playing with him, singing songs, poking him here and there to illicit a smile, showing him their toys or something they made at school. Sometimes when you leave him alone, he would let out a shriek , which is not quite a cry, not quite a laugh either.. sorta like calling you to pay some attention to him. He'd quiet down when I pick him up.
At night he would usually sleep from 9pm to around 3 or 4am, which is when he'd wake up for milk and I'd breastfeed him while I'm sleeping.
He's drinking more nowadays, so even though he's down to only 2 formula feeds a day, it's a 120mls of formula ... it's a lot.

You'll notice that the jerky arm and leg movements of his newborn days have given way to smoother, more circular motions.
No, I don't notice..! :P
He's less jerky, yes. He doesnt jerk himself to sudden wakefulness while he sleeps anymore, that I know.

They also say that this is when babies usually get colic.
We've gotten ready with a bottle of gripe water, and Izani is never without his minyak telon (baby ointment for the tummy) and barut (sorta like baby corset, except it's not so constraining). You'd think we'd get used to it after having 3 babies with colic, but it still scares the hell outta us.
So far so good, except that sometimes towards late evening, hed get very uncomfortable and cranky but will be better if we pick him up and hold him over the shoulder. He will definitely feel better after he poos (he poos only once a day nowadays), after which I would bathe him and feed him and he'd go to sleep.
Taufik would usually panic and go "kenapa ni? kenapa ni?" (what is this? what is this?) when the baby gets cranky and uncomfortable and I would be the one who would have to go and comfort the babies. *rolleyes*

I can also now tell difference between Izani's cries for milk, for relief (he wants to burp) and for some sleep.

oh, macamana nak selesaikan masalah dunia ni, ya?

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